Jan 31, 2019
On episode 83 of Punk Rock Pariah, Grendel sits down with Dr. Sarah
Cote Hampson, Assistant Professor of Public Law at University of
Washington Tacoma in the Politics, Philosophy & Public Affairs
division of the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. They
talk about her books, The Balance Gap: Working Mothers...
Jan 28, 2019
On episode 82 of PRP, Greg sits down with Giacomo Giorgi of the Italian band Tempest. The two talk social justice movements, hardcore music, the wildlife & hunting documentary On the Wild Side, and so much...
Jan 25, 2019
On episode 81 of PRP, Greg and Grendel talk about all things joy
related. The two discuss what makes them joyful, from rad hangs and
sports ball victories to doing something you love and empathizing
with the joy of others. They also engage with the listeners' ideas
of joy. Let's get philosophical!
Regular segments...
Jan 22, 2019
On episode 80 of PRP, Grendel and Greg delve in to the topic of
heartbreak. They share their own personal and professional
experiences with heartbreak, as well as reflect upon the listeners'
contributions. Discussions include existentialism, Terror
Management Theory, and growing as a person...
Jan 18, 2019
On episode 79 of Punk Rock Pariah, Greg and Grendel talk The Bird
Box Challenge, Greg's year long apprenticeship with a mask maker,
2020 Presidential Candidates, and so much more. Greg also gets
reunited with a long lost friend from high school friend live on
Regular Segments include "Song of the Day" and "Greg...